Hackney Music School
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Welcome to Hackney Music SchooL


Whether it’s one to one private lessons or attending a group class: learn, explore, develop and discover the joy of playing music with Us!

We Believe in Each Student


“highly recommended”

"...I began lessons with Luciano after having quite some time out of playing regularly. I had a clear idea of what I wanted to achieve, and he was quick to assesses my needs and work out a plan for my progression. I am already being challenged an pushed in ways I couldn't have imagined a few weeks ago. His lessons are concise, detailed and follow a clear path. Luciano is very patient, very warm friendly, but really knows how to push to get positive results. I come away feeling inspired and motivated to practice every single time. I have had 3 lessons so far and plan to continue indefinitely - highly recommended!!"(Matt)

“Excellent Teaching Skills”

“… I am an absolute beginner on Guitar (although I can read some music) and am very keen to improve after each lesson thanks to Matteo's excellent teaching skills. He is always on time. I highly recommend him”.(Katherine)

“Great Teacher”

"...Great teacher, Matteo explains everything really well. a lot of praise (as a teacher I see how important this really is) explains the process really well and makes you feel at ease. have signed up for a few lessons. would recommend". (Mark)

“I’m So Lucky”

"...Lei is a brilliant artist as well as an amazing teacher. She guided me for two years and through and thanks to her I’ve been both developing my technical skills and building up my repertoire and I every week I just couldn’t wait for the following lesson! She’s patient, intuitive, reliable, sensitive and very empathic. It’s not common to find such a great teacher. I’m lucky!!" (Alex)